Browse Collections (29 total)
O1.1 FANTASIA Fairy Tale
A fairy tale book entitled “ON THE ROAD TO THE SUN PALACE”.
The fairy tale hero is an illiterate boy Yiannis, who is a shepherd. The adventure of…
Contributors: University of the Aegean, CleverBooks, University College Dublin
O2 FANTASIA Augmented Reality (AR) toolkit: AR 3D Objects
AR 3D Objects (images and 3D files) to represent the objects related to the concept of the shape of the earth; the concept of the sun, the phenomenon…
Contributors: CleverBooks, University College Dublin, University of Aegean
O1.2 Fairy Science Self-training Manual
The “Fairy Science Self-training Manual” is designed to support teachers and parents/guardians who intend to implement the FAnTASIA activities in a…
Contributors: University of Aegean, CleverBooks, University College Dublin
O4 FANTASIA Impact Assessment
Contributors: University College Dublin, CleverBooks, University of Aegean, CNR ITD
O1.1.3a - FANTASIA Narration (English)
Fairy Tale Narration (English) - Soundtrack including the narration of the Fairy Tale and background sounds. - Chapters 1-8
Contributors: University of the Aegean
O1.1.3a - FANTASIA Narration (Italian)
Fairy Tale Narration (Italian) - Soundtrack including the narration of the Fairy Tale and background sounds. - Chapters 1-8
Contributors: University of the Aegean and CNR ITD
O1.1.3b - FANTASIA Music Soundtracks
Soundtrack of the Fairy Tale and background sounds. - Chapters 1-8
University of the Aegean
O4.0 Ethics Review
The process that will be followed during the FAnTASIA project is as follows:
- When recruiting the participants, we will supply the participants with…
Contributors: University College Dublin, CNR-ITD, CleverBooks, University of Aegean and Ms Georgia Livieri (External Ethics Advisor)
O1.1.3a - FANTASIA Narration (Greek)
Αφήγηση στα ελληνικά
Soundtrack που περιλαμβάνει την αφήγηση του παραμυθιού στα ελληνικά και τους ήχους στο παρασκήνιο.
Contributors: Πανεπιστήμιο Αιγαίου
Αφήγηση στα ελληνικά
O1.3 Lesson Plans (English)
Lesson Plans for AR and non AR interventions
Contributors: University of the Aegean