O1.1 FANTASIA Fairy Tale

Dublin Core


O1.1 FANTASIA Fairy Tale


The basic subjects which will be addressed are the concept of the shape of the earth; the concept of the sun, the phenomenon of the change of the day/night cycle; and the explanation of floating & sinking of solid objects in the water.


A fairy tale book entitled “ON THE ROAD TO THE SUN PALACE”.
The fairy tale hero is an illiterate boy Yiannis, who is a shepherd. The adventure of Yiannis starts when he makes the bold decision to travel west to find the Palace of the Sun. During his journey Yiannis encounters several problems and difficulties that he manages to solve by observing the environment around him; conducting experiments using simple materials, and having discussions with people he meets during his journey.
Children, with the support of an adult, are expected to follow Yiannis’ journey by doing similar activities as indicated by the numbering in the text of the fairy tale book. Each number corresponds to an activity described in detail at the second chapter of the “Fairy Science Self-Training Manual” entitled “Teaching Scenarios”. In this way the children discover along with Yiannis and step by step the answers to the scientific problems presented in the book.


University of the Aegean. Written by Dr. Christos Ioannides and illustrated by Christina Varela.


University College Dublin


From 01/11/2019 to 30/10/2020


University of the Aegean, CleverBooks, University College Dublin


Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.






ISBN : 978-1-910963-44-9


Project duration: 01/11/2019 to 30/10/2022 & 5 years after the end of the project 30/10/2027

Collection Items

A fairy tale book entitled “ON THE ROAD TO THE SUN PALACE”.
The fairy tale hero is an illiterate boy Yiannis, who is a shepherd. The adventure of Yiannis starts when he makes the bold decision to travel west to find the Palace of the Sun. During his…

Είναι ένα βιβλίο με το παραμύθι «Στον Δρόμο για το Παλάτι του Ήλιου» γραμμένο από τον Δρ Χρήστο Ιωαννίδη και εικονογραφημένο από την Χριστίνα Βαρελά.
Ήρωας του παραμυθιού είναι ο Γιάννης, ένας μικρός αναλφάβητος βοσκός. Η περιπέτεια του Γιάννη…

Un libro di fiabe intitolato “Alla ricerca del palazzo del sole".
L'eroe della fiaba è un ragazzo, Yiannis, che è un pastore. L'avventura di Yiannis inizia quando prende l'audace decisione di viaggiare verso ovest per trovare il Palazzo del Sole.…
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  • O1.1 FANTASIA Fairy Tale