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Coinvolgimento degli Studenti - AR.pdf
Questionario per la valutazione del coinvolgimento degli studenti nelle attività didattiche previste dal progetto FANTASIA con l'ausilio della realtà aumentata

Coinvolgimento degli Studenti - non AR.pdf
Questionnaire for the evaluation of the involvement of students in the educational activities provided by the project FANTASIA without the support of augmented reality

Eμπλοκή των μαθητών - AR.pdf
Questionnaire for the evaluation of the involvement of students in the educational activities provided by the project FANTASIA with the support of augmented reality

Eμπλοκή των μαθητών - non AR.pdf
Questionnaire for the evaluation of the involvement of students in the educational activities provided by the project FANTASIA without the support of augmented reality

Students Final Questionnaire AR.pdf
Questionario per la valutazione dell'esperienza dei bambini e del loro livello di soddisfazione nell'uso del kit educativo FaNTASIA con AR

Questionario Finale Studenti AR.pdf
Questionario per la valutazione dell'esperienza dei bambini e del livello di soddisfazione nell'uso del kit educativo FaNTASIA senza AR

Students Engagement - AR.pdf
Questionnaire for the evaluation of the involvement of students in the educational activities provided by the project FANTASIA with the support of augmented reality

Students Engagement - non AR.pdf
Questionnaire for the evaluation of the involvement of students in the educational activities provided by the project FANTASIA without the support of augmented reality

Τελικό ερωτηματολόγιο Μαθητών AR.pdf
Questionnaire for evaluation of children’s experience and level of satisfaction with the use of the FaNTASIA educational packages with AR
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