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  • Tags: questionnaires

Conoscenza dei concetti di scienze.pdf
Questionario di valutazione della conoscenza dei concetti scientifici (gravità, forma della terra, ciclo giorno notte, galleggiamento dei corpi)

Knowledge of Scientific Concepts.pdf
Questionnaire to assess knowledge of scientific concepts (gravity, shape of the earth, day-night cycle, floating)

Parents_guardians final questionnaire.pdf
Questionnaire for evaluation parents' experience and level of satisfaction with the use of the FaNTASIA educational packages with AR

Questionario finale per genitori.pdf
Questionario per la valutazione dell'esperienza dei genitori e del loro livello di soddisfazione nell'uso del pacchetto educativo FaNTASIA con AR

Γνώση επιστημονικών εννοιών.pdf
Questionnaire to assess knowledge of scientific concepts (gravity, shape of the earth, day-night cycle, floating)

Τελικό ερωτηµατολόγιο για τους γονείς.pdf
Questionnaire for evaluation of parents' experience and level of satisfaction with the use of the FaNTASIA educational package with AR
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